Moles are prolific diggers of tunnels. They can be shallow, just below the surface or much deeper. Either way they can cause devastation to gardens, sports pitches, golf courses, school grounds and paddocks by causing the ground to collapse. This can ultimately result in injury to humans and horses.
Moles are also known to carry the Listeriosis virus which can be fatal to cattle. Silage can also be spoilt by contamination of soil from mole hills. It is also known as Circling Disease in sheep and can affect birds and poultry too.
AP Pest Control can control moles by trapping or gassing.

Today foxes are more commonly found in towns and cities than ever before.
They cause problems by scavenging for food. They cause great consternation to owners of livestock, particularly poultry farmers and game keepers.
Once in an enclosed pen they can kill 30 or more birds in one attack.
AP Pest Control can manage foxes and carry out fox proofing.

All the six species of deer found in the UK are on the increase in most areas. Their feeding habits, ie chewing bark can potentially kill young trees. They also cause damage to growing crops and plants.
AP Pest Control can provide a service of controlled culling and the erection of deer fencing.

Squirrels are not known to carry any diseases to humans but can be just as damaging to property as rats and mice due to their gnawing habits. They often inhabit lofts and can cause damage to cables, pipe work, structure and fabric of buildings. Squirrels can cause young trees to die due to bark stripping. Squirrels eat many bird eggs.
AP Pest Control can control grey squirrels and carry out squirrel proofing.

Rabbits are not known to carry diseases to humans but their gnawing can cause damage to young plants and agricultural crops. Rabbits can cause young trees to die due to bark stripping.
Rabbits can cause potentially dangerous situations for humans and horses alike through burrowing which ultimately can cause the ground to collapse. It is estimated that 2 rabbits can produce up to 80 rabbits per annum.
AP Pest Control can advise on rabbit control and rabbit proofing.
Stoats & Weasels
Stoats and Weasels are highly efficient carnivorous animals considering their size and weight. They are capable of catching and killing an adult rabbit. Stoats and Weasels can find their way into buildings and cause damage to their contents.
AP Pest Control can control Stoats and Weasels.
Mink have a fondness for fish and can cause mayhem for fish farmers. Mink can find their way into buildings and cause damage to their contents.
AP Pest Control can control mink.
Bird Pests & Licences
An overview of the General licence
This licence permits landowners, occupiers and other authorised persons to carry out a range of otherwise prohibited activities against the species of wild birds listed on the licence. This licence may only be relied upon where the activities are carried out for the purpose of preserving public health or public safety, and users must comply with licence terms and conditions. These conditions include the requirement that the user must be satisfied that legal (including non-lethal) methods of resolving the problem are ineffective or impracticable.
Special licences can be applied for in other situations.
For General and Special Licences:
England: www.naturalengland.org.uk
Scotland: www.scotland.gov.uk
Wales: www.basc.org.uk
Welsh Assembly: 02920 82523
Northern Ireland: www.ehsni.gov.uk
The UK Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 was produced to protect native wildlife. Certain species, in certain circumstances can be viewed as pests.
These include:
Crow, Collared Dove, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Jackdaw, Jay, Magpie, Feral Pigeon, Rook, Woodpigeon, Canada Goose, Monk Parakeet.
These birds are the subject of a general licence from Natural England can be killed or taken by any authorised person using guns, traps or nets. Further, their nests or eggs can be taken or destroyed. This can only be done in order to prevent serious damage to livestock, crops, vegetables, fruit, growing timber, fisheries in inland waters and to prevent the spread of disease.
The conditions of the licence include the requirement that the user must be satisfied that legal (including non-lethal) methods of resolving the problem are ineffective or impracticable.We interpret this to mean that the possibility of using deterrents and proofing must be explored before resorting to lethal measures.

Woodpigeon are the single most destructive pest to farmers and growers at all times of year. They can eat up to 4oz of grain per day. Their diet can also consists of greenstuff, seeds, berries and even root crops in hard winters. They can be controlled under the general licence.
AP Pest Control can provide a crop protection service all year round.

Crows, Rooks
Crows can cause damage to crops at all times of the year. They can be controlled under the general licence.
AP Pest Control can provide a crop protection service all year round.

Geese can cause damage to crops due to their grazing and paddling habit.
AP Pest Control can provide a crop protection service all year round for Canada Geese. Other species may be shot within the permitted season.