Rats & Mice
Rodents are classed as animals having large incisor teeth which continually grow causing the need to gnaw or chew.

Rats are carriers of diseases such as leptospirosis (Weils disease), salmonella, rat bite fever, tetanus and typhoid. In buildings they can cause damage to cables, pipe work and the structure and fabric of buildings. They can also contaminate food as they are incontinent. It is estimated that 2 rats given harborage and sufficient food source can produce 200 rats per year.
AP Pest Control can control rats by integrated pest control management.

Mice carry diseases such as salmonella. In buildings they can cause damage to cables, pipe work and the structure and fabric of buildings.
They can also contaminate food as they are incontinent. It is estimated that 2 mice given a sufficient food source and harbourage can produce 2000 mice per year.
AP Pest Control can control mice by integrated pest control management.